2012 M16a2 Rifle to be used in High Power Rifle opposition must be prepared with metallic sights a number of long range, 1000-yard match allow the use of any places of interest should be capable of holding at least 5 rounds of ammunition and should be adapted to rapid reloading. Tournament programs often group 2012 M16a2 Rifle competitions into two divisions, Service Rifle and Match Rifle. The 2012 M16a2 Rifle currently defined as Service Rifles include the M1, M14, M16 and their commercial equivalents. Winchester and Remington have made their Model 70 and Model 40X rifles in competition versions and custom gunsmiths have made up match rifles on many military and commercial actions. 1903 and 1903-A3 Springfield, 1917 Enfields and pre-war Winchester Model 70 sporters in .30-06 are all equipped with clip slots for rapid reloading. The 2012 M16a2 Rifle most suitable rear sights are aperture or "peep" with reliable, repeatable 1/2 infinitesimal or finer adjustment. Front sights 2012 M16a2 Rifle should be of either the post or aperture type the model.