Martes, Hunyo 21, 2011

M8 Rifle - Digital Arms

In the  United States Armed Defense Forces and was adopted as it's service rifle from 2007 to 2060. It was planned and manufactured by Heckler & Koch, in a joint effort by engineers from the German and American H&K branches; the M8 was derived from the H&K G36 Assault Rifle, built in the late-90's for the German Army.The M8 rifle first acknowledged as the XM8 Lightweight Assault Rifle all through testing, was given up for lost early in it's prototype and general field testing phases in the fall of 2005. Though shortly after in the fall of 2006, it was re-tested by Army and Marine Corps officials after an extensive overhaul (including a change in calibers from 5.56 to 6.8) of the rifles shortcomings, and was unilaterally conventional as the new service rifle for the United States military.