Miyerkules, Hulyo 27, 2011

2011 t-90 tank - Battle Station

The T-90 is a Russian third-generation main battle tank that is a modernisation of the T-72 (it was originally to be called the T-72BU, later renamed to T-90). It is currently the most modern tank in service with the Russian Ground Forces and Naval Infantry. Although a development of the T-72, the T-90 uses a 125mm 2A46 smoothbore tank gun, 1G46 gunner sights, a new engine, and thermal sights. Standard protective measures include a blend of Steel, Composite armour, and Kontakt-5 explosive-reactive armor, laser warning receivers, Nakidka camouflage and the Shtora infrared ATGM jamming system. The EMT-7 electromagnetic pulse (EMP) creator is used in testing but not fitted to T-90s in active service. It is designed and built by Uralvagonzavod, in Nizhny Tagil, Russia.The T-90 (Ob.188) MBT is the most modern tank currently in service with the Russian Army.The T-90 tank retains the basic national tank design concept, i.e. the classical layout, where the main armament is arranged within a rotating turret, the power plant and transmission are located in the hull's rear, and the crew members are seated separately: the commander and the gunner sit in the fighting compartment, and the driver in the driver's compartment.The T-90 MBT, though the best armored and equipped of all Russian tanks, was only meant to be a stop-gap measure in conditions where the acceptance of a brand-new Nizhny Tagil MBT was delayed due to lack of funding. It looks increasingly likely however that, different upgrades notwithstanding, it will remain the most modern Russian tank for at least another decade.